
Giorgio de Chirico: Metaphysician – Alberto Savinio: Multifaceted Artist

Conference: Giorgio de Chirico: Metaphysician – Alberto Savinio: Multifaceted Artist
Sala dei Marmi, Palazzo Barberini, Rome
5 March 2012

The conference Giorgio de Chirico:  Metaphysician – Alberto Savinio: Multifaceted Artist saw the participation of professors from Rome’s three major universities, together with other scholars. Speakers included: Lazzaro Caputo, Ester Coen, Riccardo Dottori, Stefano Gallo, Elio Matassi, Pietro Montani, Paolo Picozza, Claudio Strinati and Agostino Ziino.
Moderator Francesco Moschini, Segretario Generale dell’Accademia Nazionale di San Luca.

The day of study dedicated to these two protagonists of 20th century culture offered the public innovative considerations and an in-depth look into the specificity of the work of both artists. Accompanied by the projection of masterworks by Giorgio de Chirico and a reading of the Parisian manuscripts (1911-1915), the conference was brought to a close on the impetuous notes of Savinio’s Les chants de la mi-morts (1914), played on the piano by Maestro Monaldo Braconi.

Presentation of the current issue of “Metaphysical Art – The de Chirico Journals” (n. 9/10) on occasion of the publication’s 10th anniversary.

Organised by Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico in collaboration with Riccardo Dottori, Professor of Theoretical Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Rome
